Example: a monster called Green Hag Obama would have Green as pre-name, Hag as name and Obama as surname. This separation allows Monstershuffler to pick only the 'name' part when writing descriptions inside the stat block.
When a creature is generic, its name is preceded by the article "the" inside descriptions, like "The hag has advantage on Wisdom (Perc[...]"
Find more names on fantasynamegenerators.com
Male pronouns: he/his/him/his
Female pronouns: she/her/her/hers
Neutral pronouns: they/their/them/theirs
Thing pronouns: it/its/it/theirs
This value affects descriptions when tags like [they] or [them] are used: they will be automatically converted into the pronouns chosen for the creature. To know more about tags click here.
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
1 = tiny; 2 = small, 3 = medium, 4 = large, 5 = huge, 6 = gargantuan.
Expressions add dynamic values to statistics. Example: adding '1' as an expression to the size of a medium-sized creature will make it Large, and adding 'LVL/9' will make it grow in size every 9 levels (Hit Dice).
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Add a subtype:
In case you didn't know: you can write and add your own subtypes!
Warning: changing the creature's race or race variant will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Warning: changing the creature's profession will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Warning: changing the creature's class or class variant will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Warning: changing the creature's template will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Alignment is randomly determined when a creature is generated inside the NPC Generator. The values above influence the result of the random roll by making it lean towards a certain alignment. Other stats may influence the result as well.
Short Background
Here you can write a very short background to help yourself or other dungeon masters roleplay this creature. Leave it blank if you want to hide this part of the stat block.
Find more ideas on SeventhSanctum.com
If you were to describe this creature's personality, what word would you use? Leave the input blank if you want to hide this part of the stat block.
Armor Class:
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
This creature's level is the sum of the Hit Dice found inside these sections:
The Hit Die chosen reflects the creature's size: Tiny: d4, Small: d6, Medium: d8, Large: d10, Huge: d12, Gargantuan: d20.
*You can leave this field blank, as Races and Templates don't necessarily have base Hit Dice.
The Hit Die chosen reflects the creature's size: Tiny: d4, Small: d6, Medium: d8, Large: d10, Huge: d12, Gargantuan: d20.
Speeds (ft):
If you leave these values blank Monstershuffler will attempt to find them inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Setting a speed type to 0 will forcibly disable it.
Add an expression for a type of speed:
Base ability scores:
You can prevent expressions from increasing ability scores too much by setting a limit here:
Ability scores limit:
A score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches. Adventurers can have scores as high as 20, and Monsters and divine beings can have scores as high as 30.
Add an expression for an ability score:
Classes usually make characters increase one ability score by 2 every four levels, which translates into the expression (LVL/4)*2 + 2. You should always add a similar expression to the primary ability score of a class.
Add a saving throw:
If you want to give Expertise (double proficiency) to a saving throw, just add an expression to it with 'PROF' as value.
Add a skill:
If you want to give Expertise (double proficiency) to a skill, just add an expression to it with 'PROF' as value.
Random skills:
Pick random Skills from the in addition to the ones chosen already.
Add a damage vulnerability:
Add a damage resistance:
Add a damage immunity:
Add a condition immunity:
Senses (ft):
If you leave these values blank Monstershuffler will attempt to find them inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found. Setting a sense to 0 will forcibly disable it.
Add an expression for a sense:
Add a language:
Random languages:
Pick random Languages from the in addition to the ones chosen already.
Other settings:
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Setting Telepathy to 0 will forcibly disable it.

Calculate the estimated CR of this creature at two different levels (Hit Dice) and write it below. Monstershuffler will then calculate all the other CRs automatically. You can use the instructions at page 274 of the Dungeon Master's Guide or our tables as reference.
Go to the Hit Points settings and set the level (Hit Dice) of the Creature to 1: what is your estimated CR for this creature as a "level 1" monster?
Now set the level (Hit Dice) to the highest number reasonable for this type of creature: what is your estimated CR at that level?
If you want to create monsters or NPCs that can be used consistently from Challenge Rating 0 to Challenge Rating 30, use expressions whenever possible to make statistics dynamic, and enable/disable actions at the appropriate levels!
All monsters and NPCs usually have their proficiency bonus determined by their Challenge Rating. The option "by Level" helps you create Player Character-like creatures when you need one.
The standard description that precedes Legendary Actions will appear as soon as a Legendary Action is available for the creature.
Action Settings:
Active from level* to level*
*Leave these fields blank if you want this action to be always active.

Use tags and dynamic values inside descriptions to make this creature reusable. Also check the manual below to understand how to create actions.
List of tags available
Drag and drop values inside the description, or write directly the name of a value between {braces}. Click on values to edit them.
Click on the attributes below to shape the description of this attack:
You can choose these additional filters for the random weapon:
*You can leave these fields blank.
*You can leave these fields blank.
You may want to use the expression "8+PROF+ability" for saving throws, where ability is the ability score modifier related to this action (STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA).
Values in "feet"/"-feet" should always be multiplied by 5 because of the way length is measured in D&D battle maps. The length of the fiery breath of a dragon that grows in size every two levels could be written like this"(LVL\2)*5".
This type of value is used inside Multiattack descriptions. It is based on the "Extra attack" feature of the Fighter Class and many melee-type official monsters apparently follow the same rule. These are the results it gives:
Before level 5: one attack
From level 5: two attacks
From level 11: three attacks
From level 20: four attacks
From level 32: five attacks
...giving one extra attack after x levels + 3, where x was the previous interval.
Add a bonus to attack values:
Spellcasting ability:
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Spell groups:
Spell groups are lists of spells that become available to a creature at a chosen level.
When available, spells are then sorted by their number of uses per day, to create the standard D&D5e spell list for monsters.
Add a spell to the group:
Search Filters:
Spells in this group:
Random spells:
Pick random Spells from the in addition to the ones chosen already, using the filters currently selected.
*You can use expressions to calculate this field dynamically! Click here for a quick guide.
Petrifying Gaze. If a creature starts its turn within 30 feet of the basilisk and the two of them can see each other, the basilisk can force the creature to make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw if the basilisk isn't incapacitated. On a failed save, the creature magically begins to turn to stone and is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.A creature that isn't surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it can't see the basilisk until the start of its next turn, when it can avert its eyes again.If it looks at the basilisk in the meantime, it must immediately make the save. If the basilisk sees its reflection within 30 feet of it in bright light, it mistakes itself for a rival and targets itself with its gaze.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage plus 7 (2d6) radiant damage.
Basilisks were large, eight-legged reptiles with the terrifying ability to poison or petrify their prey. Though not malicious, basilisks were indisputably dangerous.
Basilisks had eight legs, which they crawled upon. Basilisks came in a variety of colors from dark gray to dark orange, although they also commonly had a dull brown body with a yellowish underbelly. Basilisks possessed a single row of bony spines that lined their backs and a few had a curved horn atop their noses. Basilisk eyes were, however, the most notable feature, glowing with a pale green light. Adult basilisks could grow to be about 6 feet (1.8 meters) in length, not counting the tail, which could reach another 5 to 7 feet (1.5 to 2.1 meters). They typically weighed around 300 pounds (140 kilograms).
Basilisks had a very slow metabolism, making their movements sluggish and clumsy. As a result, basilisks relied upon their powerful magical characteristics for hunting and were unprepared for a hard pursuit. As a result, prey that fled usually got away unharmed. To prevent this, basilisks typically laired in hidden dens, waiting for any prey unfortunate enough to wander in, even if it was extremely small. Basilisks had a very robust digestive system, however, and could digest even stone. When not hunting, basilisks slept off their meals in their lairs, sometimes in small groups of up to six individuals.
Basilisks were lazy and cowardly creatures, but evilly cunning. They made their lairs in dark underground caves where there was a ready and easily accessible food and water supply. They were easy to anger, though they never fought to the death if it could be helped. They were observed to be irrational and possibly insane half the time but shrewd hunters the other half. When hunting, they pounced from hiding and attacked with their petrifying gaze and vicious bite. They only needed to eat one large meal (the size of a deer or a humanoid) a month, owing to their slow metabolisms, though would apparently gorge themselves to death if provided with enough meat.
Basilisks spent much of their time asleep basking, either in the heat of the sun, or, if that was too harsh, in the heat of some other source, such as a volcanic vent, or even a campfire. If the basilisk was unable to warm itself for more than a day, it would become sluggish, ultimately dying of hypothermia after a further three days.
Though thought by many to be incapable of eating a petrified victim, at least after infancy (immature basilisks had been observed by scholars devouring chunks of statues, but not adults), all basilisks were in fact capable of eating their petrified prey due to their strong jaws and a process within their gullet that transformed the stone back into flesh.
When angered, they hissed like a cobra.
Basilisks were known to eat mammals, birds, fish, some berries, and even other reptiles.
Basilisks could be found nearly everywhere, including subterranean biomes. Typically, basilisks sheltered within burrows, caves, or other similar areas. These dens were sometimes distinguished by what appeared to be statues, although these were, in fact, creatures that had been petrified by the gaze of the creature. Despite their adaptability, and although they still lived in such places, they didn't appear to thrive in cold climes, presumably due to their cold-blooded nature.
Beyond the Prime Material plane, scattered numbers of basilisks could be found in the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Basilisks instinctively avoided looking directly at others of their kind, but were able to recognize them using hearing and a sense of smell that was capable of differentiating between individual basilisks. Basilisks were mature enough to breed at the age of only nine months. Once they had found a mate, the pair would find a body of water to breed in (the water helped support their body weight), then both travelled to the lair of one of the pair.
One or two days after the act, the female would lay one to eight greenish-white eggs, each about the size of a human's fist, which the mother would then half-bury in cool sand or mud.
The eggs themselves had malleable and somewhat stretchy shells, able to be handled and moved easily without risk to the gestating creature inside.
There was a one-in-twenty chance that an egg was infertile, but otherwise an infant would hatch from it's egg between thirty one and fifty days after it had been lain. During this time period, neither parent ate, causing them to become increasingly aggravated. Newly hatched, a basilisk could be anywhere between one and nine inches long. They would grow almost to their full adult length within four to six months.
The parents would share a lair until the resulting offspring were themselves old enough to breed, then they would separate. However, they would instinctively seek each other out again four summers hence and mate again. Basilisks mated for life.
Adventuring and Taxidermy
The eyes and gullets of basilisks were of great value to alchemists and mages. The pupils, lenses, and fluid of basilisk eyes could be made into spell inks and potion ingredients as well as used in the creation of magic items concerned with petrification. The fluids found in a basilisk's gullet could be used by an alchemist to create an oil that would restore a petrified creature to flesh as well.
Intact basilisk eggs, recently hatched infants, and mature specimens were also in demand from those who thought to use the creatures as guardians of locations and treasure (though it's said that most such attempts to utilize basilisks as guards ends in failure).
An intact eyeball could be sold for up to 1,000 gold pieces, while just an eyelid could still fetch as much as 400gp. An egg could sell for up to 500gp, while a hatched infant could go for 700gp. A mature specimen was less valuable than small one, but buyers often still pay up to 500gp for them.
This article uses material from the “Basilisk” article on the Forgotten Realms wiki at Fandom and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.