Example: a monster called Green Hag Obama would have Green as pre-name, Hag as name and Obama as surname. This separation allows Monstershuffler to pick only the 'name' part when writing descriptions inside the stat block.
When a creature is generic, its name is preceded by the article "the" inside descriptions, like "The hag has advantage on Wisdom (Perc[...]"
Find more names on fantasynamegenerators.com
Male pronouns: he/his/him/his
Female pronouns: she/her/her/hers
Neutral pronouns: they/their/them/theirs
Thing pronouns: it/its/it/theirs
This value affects descriptions when tags like [they] or [them] are used: they will be automatically converted into the pronouns chosen for the creature. To know more about tags click here.
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
1 = tiny; 2 = small, 3 = medium, 4 = large, 5 = huge, 6 = gargantuan.
Expressions add dynamic values to statistics. Example: adding '1' as an expression to the size of a medium-sized creature will make it Large, and adding 'LVL/9' will make it grow in size every 9 levels (Hit Dice).
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Add a subtype:
In case you didn't know: you can write and add your own subtypes!
Warning: changing the creature's race or race variant will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Warning: changing the creature's profession will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Warning: changing the creature's class or class variant will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Warning: changing the creature's template will replace all related statistics and actions, including the ones you may have edited.
Alignment is randomly determined when a creature is generated inside the NPC Generator. The values above influence the result of the random roll by making it lean towards a certain alignment. Other stats may influence the result as well.
Short Background
Here you can write a very short background to help yourself or other dungeon masters roleplay this creature. Leave it blank if you want to hide this part of the stat block.
Find more ideas on SeventhSanctum.com
If you were to describe this creature's personality, what word would you use? Leave the input blank if you want to hide this part of the stat block.
Armor Class:
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
This creature's level is the sum of the Hit Dice found inside these sections:
The Hit Die chosen reflects the creature's size: Tiny: d4, Small: d6, Medium: d8, Large: d10, Huge: d12, Gargantuan: d20.
*You can leave this field blank, as Races and Templates don't necessarily have base Hit Dice.
The Hit Die chosen reflects the creature's size: Tiny: d4, Small: d6, Medium: d8, Large: d10, Huge: d12, Gargantuan: d20.
Speeds (ft):
If you leave these values blank Monstershuffler will attempt to find them inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Setting a speed type to 0 will forcibly disable it.
Add an expression for a type of speed:
Base ability scores:
You can prevent expressions from increasing ability scores too much by setting a limit here:
Ability scores limit:
A score of 18 is the highest that a person usually reaches. Adventurers can have scores as high as 20, and Monsters and divine beings can have scores as high as 30.
Add an expression for an ability score:
Classes usually make characters increase one ability score by 2 every four levels, which translates into the expression (LVL/4)*2 + 2. You should always add a similar expression to the primary ability score of a class.
Add a saving throw:
If you want to give Expertise (double proficiency) to a saving throw, just add an expression to it with 'PROF' as value.
Add a skill:
If you want to give Expertise (double proficiency) to a skill, just add an expression to it with 'PROF' as value.
Random skills:
Pick random Skills from the in addition to the ones chosen already.
Add a damage vulnerability:
Add a damage resistance:
Add a damage immunity:
Add a condition immunity:
Senses (ft):
If you leave these values blank Monstershuffler will attempt to find them inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found. Setting a sense to 0 will forcibly disable it.
Add an expression for a sense:
Add a language:
Random languages:
Pick random Languages from the in addition to the ones chosen already.
Other settings:
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Setting Telepathy to 0 will forcibly disable it.

Calculate the estimated CR of this creature at two different levels (Hit Dice) and write it below. Monstershuffler will then calculate all the other CRs automatically. You can use the instructions at page 274 of the Dungeon Master's Guide or our tables as reference.
Go to the Hit Points settings and set the level (Hit Dice) of the Creature to 1: what is your estimated CR for this creature as a "level 1" monster?
Now set the level (Hit Dice) to the highest number reasonable for this type of creature: what is your estimated CR at that level?
If you want to create monsters or NPCs that can be used consistently from Challenge Rating 0 to Challenge Rating 30, use expressions whenever possible to make statistics dynamic, and enable/disable actions at the appropriate levels!
All monsters and NPCs usually have their proficiency bonus determined by their Challenge Rating. The option "by Level" helps you create Player Character-like creatures when you need one.
The standard description that precedes Legendary Actions will appear as soon as a Legendary Action is available for the creature.
Action Settings:
Active from level* to level*
*Leave these fields blank if you want this action to be always active.

Use tags and dynamic values inside descriptions to make this creature reusable. Also check the manual below to understand how to create actions.
List of tags available
Drag and drop values inside the description, or write directly the name of a value between {braces}. Click on values to edit them.
Click on the attributes below to shape the description of this attack:
You can choose these additional filters for the random weapon:
*You can leave these fields blank.
*You can leave these fields blank.
You may want to use the expression "8+PROF+ability" for saving throws, where ability is the ability score modifier related to this action (STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA).
Values in "feet"/"-feet" should always be multiplied by 5 because of the way length is measured in D&D battle maps. The length of the fiery breath of a dragon that grows in size every two levels could be written like this"(LVL\2)*5".
This type of value is used inside Multiattack descriptions. It is based on the "Extra attack" feature of the Fighter Class and many melee-type official monsters apparently follow the same rule. These are the results it gives:
Before level 5: one attack
From level 5: two attacks
From level 11: three attacks
From level 20: four attacks
From level 32: five attacks
...giving one extra attack after x levels + 3, where x was the previous interval.
Add a bonus to attack values:
Spellcasting ability:
If you choose (from other sources) Monstershuffler will attempt to find this value inside the creature's template, class or race in that order, and give a default value when none is found.
Spell groups:
Spell groups are lists of spells that become available to a creature at a chosen level.
When available, spells are then sorted by their number of uses per day, to create the standard D&D5e spell list for monsters.
Add a spell to the group:
Search Filters:
Spells in this group:
Random spells:
Pick random Spells from the in addition to the ones chosen already, using the filters currently selected.
*You can use expressions to calculate this field dynamically! Click here for a quick guide.
Horned Devil
Devil's Sight. Magical darkness doesn't impede the devil's darkvision.
Magic Resistance. The devil has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
Multiattack. The devil makes three melee attacks: two with its fork and one with its tail. It can use Hurl Flame in place of any melee attack.
Fork. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 + 6) piercing damage.
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature other than an undead or a construct, it must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or lose 10 (3d6) hit points at the start of each of its turns due to an infernal wound. Each time the devil hits the wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt by the wound increases by 10 (3d6). Any creature can take an action to stanch the wound with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also closes if the target receives magical healing.
Hurl Flame. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 150 ft, one target. Hit: 14 (4d6) fire damage. If the target is a flammable object that isn't being worn or carried, it also catches fire.
Cornugons, also known as horned devils were greater baatezu that served as the first-rate defense troops of the Nine Hells. They were also known as malebranche—not to be confused with another type of devil with the same name.
Cornugons were ogre-sized creatures whose bodies reached up to 9 ft (2.7 m). They were 600 lb (270 kg), roughly humanoid beings with bodies sheathed in repulsive scales. The presence they possessed was considered intimidating even to other devils, as their massive wings, sweeping horns, and serpentine tails furthered their frightening appearance.
Despite being among the most capable and cunning of the baatezu, cornugons were also some of the least likely to betray their superiors, making them powerful assets. The true source of their loyalty was a point of contention although they notably hated and feared those stronger than themselves and so acted to avoid risk to themselves. While some claimed their true nature was militaristic and disciplined others said their loyalty stemmed from laziness, and their love of battle from belligerence. Regardless of the reasons for their obedience, if thoroughly agitated they were capable of daunting rage.
The wings of a horned devil were not for show, allowing them to move across the battlefield far quicker than moving on foot. In addition to their ability to fight with their fangs and claws, cornugons inflicted infernal wounds on those whose skin they pierced with their tails. Such wounds persistently and profusely bled, slowly draining the victim of their blood and never naturally healing. Only capable medicine or skilled healing magic was capable of ending the bleeding.
Cornugons could choose to radiate an aura of fear around themselves within a 5 ft (1.5 m) radius, to terrify non-baatezu. They could also regenerate any damage they suffered except from good-aligned or silver weapons or inherently good spells. Cornugons possessed a wide variety of innately magical abilities, allowing them to hurl lightning, create incredibly dangerous flames and craft powerful illusions. They also had the ability to call upon a wide variety of devils, including a small mob of lemures, a group of barbazus, a flock of abishai or a few more cornugons.
Cornugons often fought with military forks or spiked chains, with which they would stun their enemies. They were bold in combat and rarely retreated even when dangerously outmatched. They typically swooped into combat from the air attempting to quickly disable and eliminate the most powerful threats first with their forks, chains or tails.
Spellcasters among the cornugons were infrequent. Few were willing to put aside their physical training long enough to become noteworthy wizards and only rarely did they retain any of their former allegiances to deities once they reached their place in the infernal hierarchy.
Cornugons occupied the lower circles of Hell, particularly Malbolge and Maladomini, where they served as its elite flying infantry. Their armies numbered up to 2,000 of their kind and only beings of pit fiend status were allowed to lead their infernal legions. Horned devils were also the elite bodyguards of Baator, desired by powerful gelugons and pit fiends alike to serve as personal guards and retainers.
Along with hamatula, cornugons were among the fastest advancing baatezu. Cornugons capable of showcasing their abilities through several military successes would be given command over vast armies of lesser devil soldiers. The only faster path to advancement from that point would be direct service to the Dark Eight, making it an incredibly desired position.
Cornugons that did prove themselves particularly exceptional were allowed to serve among the 106 cornugons already protecting the Dark Eight. Said cornugons possessed an extreme loyalty rarely seen within the traitorous depths of Baator, rumored to be willing to die for the council whether out of genuine devotion or simply out of sheer terror of the consequences for forsaking them. Cornugons that managed to serve with the 106, advanced relatively quickly for baatezu, reaching gelugon status within a millennium or so.
In the infernal hierarchy of the baatezu, cornugons were thought to be the least of the greater devils but still awarded with prestige for their rank. Corugons often had names that translated into such things as "Bent Wing" or "Evil Tail".
In order to make cornugons more effective against the tanar'ri in the Blood War, experiments were performed to create a new form of horned devil. The altered cornugons could shoot bolts of acid as opposed to electricity and possessed browner skin and scaleless hands.