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Sergeant Stowin Bulwark

Sergeant Stowin Bulwark
Sergeant Stowin Bulwark
Medium Humanoid (male Mountain Dwarf), Lawful Good
A veteran fighter guard who is covered in faded scars.
Personality TraitStoic
Armor Class14(hide)
Hit Points19(3d8 + 6)
Speed30 ft
Saving ThrowsDex +4, Con +4
SkillsAcrobatics +4, Animal Handling +2, Intimidation +1, Perception +2, Persuasion +1, Survival +2
Damage Resistancesforce, poison
Damage Immunitiesbludgeoning
Condition Immunitiesgrappled
SensesDarkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 12
LanguagesCommon, Dwarvish
Challenge1( 200 XP) Proficiency Bonus+2

Dwarven Resilience. Stowin has advantage on saving throws against poison.

Stonecunning. Stowin adds double his proficiency bonus to Intelligence (History) checks related to the origin of stonework.

Military Intervention. Stowin and his allies can intervene to settle a conflict, rescue helpless civilians or help capture a common enemy, provided they fully trust their informants and that the intervention doesn't go against their ideals and affiliations.

Action Surge (1/Short or Long Rest). Stowin can push himself beyond his normal limits for a moment. On his turn, he can take one additional action. He can use it only once on the same turn.


Multiattack. Stowin makes one attack with his Whip and one with his Rapier, or one attack with his Longbow.

Whip. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft, one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.

Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 150/600 ft, one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.


Second Wind (1/Short or Long Rest). Stowin has a limited well of stamina that he can draw on to protect himself from harm. He regains 8 (1d10 + 3) hit points.

Backflip (2/Short or Long Rest). When a creature attacks Stowin with a melee or ranged attack, he can make a Dexterity (Acrobatics) check to avoid being hit. If the result is higher than the attack roll, the attack misses.


Stowin Bulwark is an orphan with no clues as to his origins, other than the fact that he is very clearly at least half dwarf. Having escaped from an orphanage when he was seven with no idea how to properly fend for himself, he was quickly snatched up by a group of smugglers and traffickers and thrown into a fighting ring in order to earn his meals. It turned out that he was exceptionally strong compared to other kids his age and he grew to be a crowd favorite over the years when pit against other children. He did not relish this life however and attempted escape many times, though he was caught and beaten each time. He eventually gave up trying and settled into his role in the ring, until he was found and recruited several years later by a once well-known head of a major crime syndicate. Feeling indebted to the one who saved him, he served as a bodyguard and personal protector for this shady individual for the next fifteen years. Though he was treated fairly well by his patron, he was made to commit terrible, sometimes unspeakable crimes on their behalf, and though he was loyal, he grew to resent those that operated within the criminal underworld to a deeply personal degree. His many scars are a testament to his rough beginnings, but after the death of his elderly boss/savior, having found himself an exceptionally strong grown man with newfound freedom and excellent survival skills, Stowin realized he didn't have to continue to live in the city's shadows, working for those of less than benign intent any longer. He then joined the city's guard in order to hunt down those whom he knew to be criminals and soon after spearheaded the crack down on child trafficking and fighting rings. He has continued to serve the people of his city as a guard for the past fifty-eight years and plans to continue along his chosen career path as long as his body is fit and able. 
He rarely speaks about his life prior to becoming a guard, and if pressed about it will become agitated, though he will try to remove himself from any such conversation rather than allow a confrontation if possible. Due to his many years as a ring fighter, being pit against other humanoids and even wild animals, he has learned many tricks when it comes to hand-to-hand combat and cannot be grappled.